In celebration of Father's Day, enjoy our short collection of our father and son baby photos over the years. Our team loves our dads.

Odini and his pops. Oooh, that explains his fashion inspiration. Vintage style, baby O!! Looking like you're about to say, "Bye, Felicia."

Josh and his father. Look at that CHEESY face! A throwback that makes your heart melt.

Odini and his pops. Oooh, that explains his fashion inspiration. Vintage style, baby O!! Looking like you're about to say, "Bye, Felicia."
Josh and his father. Look at that CHEESY face! A throwback that makes your heart melt.

Baby Mike! He runs the show. A true winner! If this young guy only knew then he'd spin our wheels round. His dad is the hardest working guy he knows.

Carlton and his father. Ain't they cute : )
(p.s. Carlton LOVES cropping out others)
Cole and his dad. They LOVE to laugh together. And he was a shy kid believe it or not.

Cole and his stepfather. This photo was taken en route from Indiana to the UGA - BAMA game. They definitely stopped for Waffle House. Go DAWGS!