
Quick Tips for Solo Travel: Pt. III Featuring M...
Wondering what it's like to travel the world all on your own? We want to help inspire you and share some smart advice on how to get started with solo...
Quick Tips for Solo Travel: Pt. III Featuring M...
Wondering what it's like to travel the world all on your own? We want to help inspire you and share some smart advice on how to get started with solo...

3 Simple Lessons for 2019: Reject Fear, Choose ...
We're committed to constant improvement. Last year's "A" is this year's "B". Here are three simple lessons to help you and your team triumph in 2019. Start the new year off...
3 Simple Lessons for 2019: Reject Fear, Choose ...
We're committed to constant improvement. Last year's "A" is this year's "B". Here are three simple lessons to help you and your team triumph in 2019. Start the new year off...

How to Spend a Weekend in NYC this Fall | Res Ipsa
Wondering how to spend a weekend in NYC this fall? New York City is unlike any place else—a true original that sets the global pace for business & fashion. We...
How to Spend a Weekend in NYC this Fall | Res Ipsa
Wondering how to spend a weekend in NYC this fall? New York City is unlike any place else—a true original that sets the global pace for business & fashion. We...

Quick Tips for Solo Travel: Pt. I featuring Jes...
Wondering what is it like to travel alone? Solo travel can be intimidating and life-changing. You'll become a better problem solver. Your mental health will flourish. You'll boost your creativity. Oh, and...
Quick Tips for Solo Travel: Pt. I featuring Jes...
Wondering what is it like to travel alone? Solo travel can be intimidating and life-changing. You'll become a better problem solver. Your mental health will flourish. You'll boost your creativity. Oh, and...

12 Movies We Most Want to See this Fall | Res Ipsa
It's officially Fall 2018. We usually talk about Fall in terms of wardrobe, putting away our madras and linen and seersucker in favor of flannel and knitwear and chukka boots....
12 Movies We Most Want to See this Fall | Res Ipsa
It's officially Fall 2018. We usually talk about Fall in terms of wardrobe, putting away our madras and linen and seersucker in favor of flannel and knitwear and chukka boots....

Everything You Need to Know About Day of the De...
It's officially wedding season. Time to walk down the aisle and tie the knot. Whether you're the groom, a groomsmen, or just a good friend invited to celebrate the marriage of...
Everything You Need to Know About Day of the De...
It's officially wedding season. Time to walk down the aisle and tie the knot. Whether you're the groom, a groomsmen, or just a good friend invited to celebrate the marriage of...

Everything You Need to Know About Day of the De...
What is the Day of the Dead? Where do the festivals occur? Why do our loafers feature a sugar skull? Learn everything you need to about our Day of the...
Everything You Need to Know About Day of the De...
What is the Day of the Dead? Where do the festivals occur? Why do our loafers feature a sugar skull? Learn everything you need to about our Day of the...

Summer 2018: Labor Day Weekend Beach Reads | Re...
As summer 2018 winds down with the long Labor Day Weekend, we wanted to share with you our favorite beach reads this summer. Welcome to the Res Ipsa Book Club. Read...
Summer 2018: Labor Day Weekend Beach Reads | Re...
As summer 2018 winds down with the long Labor Day Weekend, we wanted to share with you our favorite beach reads this summer. Welcome to the Res Ipsa Book Club. Read...

The Travel 411: A Primer in Airport Codes | Res...
We thought it'd be fun to explain one of the unusual, bijou mysteries of travel: airport codes. What do airport codes stand for? Why are they three letters? We've explained...
The Travel 411: A Primer in Airport Codes | Res...
We thought it'd be fun to explain one of the unusual, bijou mysteries of travel: airport codes. What do airport codes stand for? Why are they three letters? We've explained...

Back to School: A Brief History of the Backpack...
Backpacks have been a fundamental companion of many types of people: students, hikers, and of course, travelers. Our brand is travel and we wanted to discover more about favorite travel...
Back to School: A Brief History of the Backpack...
Backpacks have been a fundamental companion of many types of people: students, hikers, and of course, travelers. Our brand is travel and we wanted to discover more about favorite travel...

How to Wear Kilim Shoes in the Summer | Res Ipsa
So what is kilim and why should you wear it in the summer? Learn more about how you can standout from your friends in traditional sneakers and boat shoes.
How to Wear Kilim Shoes in the Summer | Res Ipsa
So what is kilim and why should you wear it in the summer? Learn more about how you can standout from your friends in traditional sneakers and boat shoes.

Everything You Need To Know About the Kilim Dop...
Our Kilim Dopp Kit has been a staple of our brand since the beginning. Fun fact: our first product was a necktie. Our second, third & fourth products are, in...
Everything You Need To Know About the Kilim Dop...
Our Kilim Dopp Kit has been a staple of our brand since the beginning. Fun fact: our first product was a necktie. Our second, third & fourth products are, in...

What's In a Name? How Res Ipsa was Born | Res Ipsa
You may wonder how and why the name Res Ipsa came to be? Res Ipsa was born out of a desire to break with convention.
What's In a Name? How Res Ipsa was Born | Res Ipsa
You may wonder how and why the name Res Ipsa came to be? Res Ipsa was born out of a desire to break with convention.

Women & Travel: Part V, The Catch Me If You Can...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some enjoyable...
Women & Travel: Part V, The Catch Me If You Can...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some enjoyable...

Happy Father's Day 2018 from Res Ipsa | Res Ipsa
In celebration of Father's Day, enjoy our short collection of our father and son baby photos over the years. Our team loves our dads.
Happy Father's Day 2018 from Res Ipsa | Res Ipsa
In celebration of Father's Day, enjoy our short collection of our father and son baby photos over the years. Our team loves our dads.

Women & Travel: Part III, Passport to Friday | ...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some enjoyable...
Women & Travel: Part III, Passport to Friday | ...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some enjoyable...

Women & Travel: Part IV, East Village Nomad | R...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some...
Women & Travel: Part IV, East Village Nomad | R...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some...

Mother's Day Favorites from Our Mothers | Res Ipsa
Happy Mother's Day from Res Ipsa. Enjoy recommendations from our mothers when it comes to shopping kilim goods for the women in your life.
Mother's Day Favorites from Our Mothers | Res Ipsa
Happy Mother's Day from Res Ipsa. Enjoy recommendations from our mothers when it comes to shopping kilim goods for the women in your life.

Women & Travel: Part I, The Art of Travel | Res...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some enjoyable...
Women & Travel: Part I, The Art of Travel | Res...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some enjoyable...

Women & Travel: Part II, Chasing Joy Through Tr...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some enjoyable...
Women & Travel: Part II, Chasing Joy Through Tr...
Res Ipsa wanted to hear from women who love to travel. Why? We want to share these amazing stories, inspire others - especially women - to travel more, and feature some enjoyable...